Answer These

Four Simple Questions
About Your Prostate

And Say Good-Bye
To Your Urge To Pee!

As a man over age 50, did you know that your prostate problems may actually be caused by a newly discovered phenomenon called “Toxic Prostate Syndrome?”

New research just published in a leading scientific journal proves this.

You can tell if you are suffering from the newly-discovered “Toxic Prostate Syndrome”

by answering these 4 simple questions:

1. Are you a man aged 50 or older?
2. Do you sometimes have the sudden urge to pee?
3. Do you wake up 3 or more times a night to pee?
4. Have you tried supplements or medications that did not help enough to get rid of your prostate problems?

If you answered “Yes” to these questions,
you most likely have…

“Toxic Prostate Syndrome”

And you definitely need to get this important information now…

Because it gives you the one simple fix you need ― and won't find anywhere else ― to put an end to your prostate problems once and for all…

  • And with ​NO prescription drugs...
  • ​NO surgical procedures...
  • ​NO doctor visits, and...
  • ​NO side effects.

If you don't stick with me and get this important information, you may spend the rest of your life suffering from the embarrassment, inconvenience and serious health dangers of “Toxic Prostate Syndrome” that conventional prostate supplements and medications do NOT fix.

This is why other remedies and treatments do not work for prostate problems, or if they do work a little, they give you side effects you definitely do not want.

Because as you are about to see in the next two minutes,

today's remedies for prostate problems treat it all wrong

But this new discovery changes all that ― and gets rid of prostate problems sooner than you'd think… and keeps them from coming back.

You see, I'm going to tell you my very embarrassing personal story and how it led me to discover a simple 40-second-a-day “sponge solution…”

It was revealed to me by an old friend from another part of the world…

  • It's completely natural…
  • ​You can do it at home…
  • You have not heard about it before or tried it…

And I'll reveal it to you in just a few moments.

Just like thousands of other men like you have found…

When you do this simple fix…

You go from needing to wake up at night three, four or five times to pee, feeling tired during the day and even having erection issues…

To sleeping soundly through the night…

Having much more energy and fun each day…

Being more productive at work…

Having much better quality time with your family, friends and hobbies, and…

Gaining back those fantastic erections you had when you were younger.

This prostate “sponge fix” works
for men of all ages

  • No matter how severe their problems are…
  • No matter what they've tried before that didn't work, and…
  • No matter how skeptical they are now…

Like Mark Tandenbaum from Minnesota, who said,

“I was very skeptical because I had tried saw palmetto and three supplements for my prostate that didn't work. But thank goodness I tried your simple fix.
Now my PSA levels are down, and I only get up maybe once a night to pee instead of four or five times.”

And LeRoy Thomas from Illinois, who said,

“My prostate problem got so bad that I once ended up in the hospital with nurses painfully shoving catheters in my pee hole just to draw out some urine.
Nothing I tried worked for me until I used your toxin fix. My prostate problems are gone now, and it's great that my wife looks at me like a real man again.”

And Roy Garcia from Texas, who said,

Bruce, it works, it works, it works!
I almost didn't try your fix because everything else I tried to end my prostate hell had failed me, but your solution works ― it has been the answer to my prayers.”

Now before I get started, let me properly introduce myself.

Hi, my name is Bruce Zanderfeld, and I'm a 58-year-old fireman in Missouri.

I've been married for 29 years and have two adult children and three grandchildren.

Up until a few years ago,
everything was fine with my prostate.

Then, slowly but surely, I started to notice I was getting up more often at night to pee.

Can you relate to this?

First, it was once a night, then twice a

Pretty soon, it was often three times a night.

And as time went by, it got even worse.

I started needing to get up four times a night to pee, and sometimes even five.

It's crazy and
annoying, isn't it?

Heck, I mean, how can you get a good night's sleep and have enough energy the next day if your sleep is broken up so much?

You end up so dog-gone tired and dragging the next day.

And this daytime fatigue caused me to lose a lot of money and pride too.

It happened to me at a semi-annual work performance review.

My boss docked me two full performance points.

He said my work performance was down.

He said he noticed I seemed tired and lethargic during the day.

Not only did this embarrass and humiliate me in front of my boss… But it made me lose thousands of dollars on a bonus that I didn't get.


This really hit me like a punch in the gut.

It meant my wife and I could not afford to buy that new deck addition to the back of our house that we had already bought in our minds.

We had been dreaming about this deck addition… We were really looking forward to it for a long, long time, and my wife was very, very disappointed in me.

That really sucked.

Letting your wife down is a real kick in the nuts.

Up until then, I'd been her provider, but now I couldn't give her what she wanted most in life.

And that would be bad enough if that was the end of it, but it wasn't by a long shot.

I also started to let her down in the bedroom, if you know what I mean.

Hey, it's no secret that prostate problems often come with erection problems.

And it's hard for me to admit, but that's what happened.

Like Saturday night was always our date night…

We'd go out for a nice dinner together which my wife loved.

She'd have a couple of glasses of Merlot wine. I'd have two or three Jack and Cokes.

Then when we'd get home, we'd make love.

But I started to notice I wasn't getting
the great erections that I used to get.

When I finally got up the nerve to tell my doctor about it, along with my peeing escapades at night, he put me on a prostate drug and an erection drug, telling me not to be embarrassed because it happens to almost all men our age, even though most guys won't admit it ― not even to their best friends.

So what happened when I took the prescribed drugs?

At first, I noticed a little improvement.

In fact, after a week or so, I was excited!

But then after that, I started to get these bad headaches that I later learned are called “flushing” side effects.

Then, on top of that, I also started having pain in my prostate or penis when I would pee.

Well, I did some research and learned that these are common side effects of the prescription medications I was taking.

I was hoping the side effects would go away, but they didn't. In fact, they actually got WORSE ― so bad that I had to stop taking these drugs.

When I called the doctor and told him what was happening, he switched me to new prescription drugs…

But these just gave me other side effects that were just as terrible as the first ones, like difficulty starting and maintaining urine flow… So I stopped taking them, too.

What a terrible experience!

After this, I tried several prostate supplements, even one endorsed by a well-known celebrity, but they didn't work very well.

I was back at square one…

In fact, it was while I was taking the celebrity supplement that I peed my pants at work, and the stain was all over my crotch and pant leg just seconds before a big meeting with everybody in my fire department.

So there I was

I had tried everything, but nothing worked, and I was still needing to get up three, four or five times a night to pee, and I had daytime fatigue and erection problems to boot.

Frankly, I didn't know what to do next.

I was depressed and desperate.


By a random twist of fate…

Maybe a miracle…

Or God's intervention…

I received a phone call from an old buddy of mine, Dave, who had moved to Brazil ten years ago and was calling me to catch up as old friends sometimes do.

Dave had been living in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil.

He had met a terrific lady named Francisca who was born there, and when they went back to visit her family, Dave fell in love with the beaches, friendly people and super-low cost of living, so they moved there.

Anyway, Dave and I got around to talking about our health and aging, and I was honest with him about my prostate and my erection issues…

And he told me that
he'd had the same problems!

Until he took the advice of the local men there in the Brazil rainforest who are world-famous lovers, even into their 70s and 80s, and have virtually no prostate problems whatsoever…

When I asked Dave what these Brazilian rainforest men's secret was, he said these men ate a few special local herbs and leaves that zapped the toxins out of their prostate so they could always have problem-free prostates and youthful erections.

At first, that sounded too good to be true ― right?

I mean, herbs and leaves ― I knew these things were powerful, but I wouldn't have believed it, except that I had known Dave for 26 years.

He was a very intelligent, no-BS, prove-it-first kind of guy who couldn't be fooled by the hype.

Dave was told by the local men these herbs remove the toxins that have built up in your prostate gland over the years.

Once this happens, your prostate and penis perform like they did decades ago.

Dave said it's not magic, it's just basic common sense and physiology.

I was still skeptical…

But when I looked into the research, it turns out that what these men in the Brazilian rainforest have known and used for over 2,000 years has recently been confirmed by studies…

New research just published in 2021 in the scientific journal Environment International…¹

Shows that your prostate problems may actually be caused by a newly discovered phenomenon called “Toxic Prostate Syndrome.”

This is caused by a common class of bug-killing pesticides called pyrethroids used in tens of millions of homes, buildings and lawns… and of course by all the other toxins we men are exposed to on a daily basis that end up in our prostate gland which acts as a sponge for toxins.

You see, what researchers didn't know until now was that…


According to Harvard University, your prostate is exposed to hundreds of toxins from water, processed foods, fruits, vegetables, heated or cooled buildings and personal care products.²

Your prostate literally becomes a toxic sponge that absorbs all these toxins, causing your prostate to swell and become enlarged.

This then causes you to have the urgent need to pee...

The need to wake up three or more times a night to go to the bathroom…

And other problems like daytime fatigue and even erection issues.

If you are thinking, "Maybe toxins don't affect me," let me ask if you've done any of the following things through which toxins are known to get into your prostate:

  • Do you drink water?
  • Do you eat processed foods?
  • ​Do you eat fruits or vegetables? They are grown and sprayed with pesticides…
  • ​Have you gone swimming in a swimming pool?
  • ​Have you been in a building that uses heating or air conditioning?
  • ​Have you been on a green grass lawn?

Now I know these are silly questions and the answer to them is “Yes,” but that's the point.

All of us men and our prostates have been poisoned
by this pesticide and other toxins.

There are two reasons

you haven't heard about this until now.

First, it was just discovered recently.

And second, the conventional and current way of treating BPH and enlarged prostates is a $10.8 billion-a-year business…

So the prescription drug companies, supplement companies and the medical establishment that treat it the current way don't want anything disrupting their huge profits and costing them business.

You see, this common pesticide was originally considered to be toxic only toward insects rather than humans.

However, there is now accumulating data about pyrethroid toxicity in the prostate gland.

In fact, a large study³ was conducted to see whether this toxic pesticide affected the prostate.

And what this study discovered should shock any man to the core.

In this study, subjects exposed to this common pesticide for only 12 months had their prostate glands nearly DOUBLE in weight… and you know what a doubling in the weight of your prostate gland would do to your pee and erection problems…

This would be VERY BAD

for your peeing problem and your love life.

This study on 1,305 men concluded that these toxins increased dangerous PSA levels or alterations in the PSA ratio… both of which are things that every man desperately wants to avoid.³

Even worse, this new study shows that prostate problems may have been treated ALL WRONG up until now.

And if you treat your prostate problem the way every doctor and supplement does now ― which is as a prostate enlargement issue caused by the aging process and not as a toxin problem ― you may NOT be fixing the real root cause of your prostate problem and getting the relief you want.

The new research shows conclusively that the reason you have prostate problems now is that you have an overload of toxins in your prostate gland.

Why is the prostate such a problem for men?

That's a very good question.

The prostate acts as a sponge for toxins… In the same way that a woman's breasts act as a sponge for toxins.

Toxins get stored in the prostate tissue, and if not eliminated, the prostate becomes swollen and enlarged, causing you peeing problems, resulting in daytime fatigue and erection problems too.

Do you see how obvious it is

that toxins have infiltrated your prostate and caused it to enlarge and swell and are causing your problems now?

So now that researchers have determined that the real root cause of your prostate problems is toxins in your prostate ― your “Toxic Prostate Syndrome”you want to know the solution, right?

You want to know how you get rid of these toxins in your prostate, so that you can end your urgent need to pee, your nightly bathroom visits, your daytime fatigue and any erection issues you may have, right?

It turns out the solution is

really simple.

My friend Dave told me the men in the Brazilian rainforest have been using certain special herbs and leaves to end their prostate problems for over 2,000 years… And have problem-free prostates and great erections even in their 80s and 90s.

Now I'll tell you what these herbs are and how you can use them too, starting right now.

The first herb every man should take is the one I call

“The Rainforest Prostate
Toxin Remover.”

This herb is also known as Brazilian pawpaw (or soursop, graviola or guanabana) and is the fruit of the Annona muricata evergreen tree. It grows in tropical areas of the South American rainforest.

It is known as a wonder herb because of its natural ability to kill unwanted invaders⁴ in the body.

It has superhero-like antioxidant properties⁵ to keep cells healthy by hunting damaging free radicals in the body and destroying them to keep toxins out of your prostate.

And modern studies now confirm what these men in Brazil have known for 2,000 years.

According to a prominent study in the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine, this herb has many compounds with antioxidant abilities.⁶

These include tannins, saponins, phytosterols, flavonoids and anthraquinones.

And there's even more current proof it works…

According to another published study in The Journal of Medicinal Food, this herb also has anti-inflammatory properties that may relieve pain. The study's researchers supported its use as a folk remedy for pain and inflammatory conditions.⁷

The second herb I beg you to take for prostate relief is the one I call

“The Prostate Secret
of the Rich and Famous.”

Buchu leaf was introduced to Britain in the eighteenth century. It was known as “nobles' tea” in Europe because only royalty and the very wealthy could afford it.

In fact, rich and famous men loved it so much for prostate relief that there were eight bales of it on board the famous Titanic.⁸

It has a long history of use by leading herbalists to treat inflammation of the prostate.

What's more, it is so strong and effective that it also disinfects⁹ the urinary tract and prostate.

In addition to its potent, natural anti-inflammatory properties, this herb also has anti-infective, antifungal and antibacterial properties, enabling it to act as a natural antibiotic with no side effects.

How does it work? The active compounds in it can help defeat germs and toxins and also promote urine flow.

But that's not all.

The men in Brazil's rainforest also use other proven herbs that kill toxins in the prostate to end problems. These include:

Marshmallow Root

Stinging Nettle

Saw Palmetto


Pygeum Africanum

Broccoli Leaf

So now that I knew the solution was “The Rainforest Prostate Toxin Remover,” “The Prostate Secret of The Rich and Famous” and all the other herbs…

I went to look for a ready-made version of this.

I wanted to find an herbal pill that I could just buy and take ― and then my problems would be over… or at least I hoped so, because I was still a little bit skeptical if it would work or not.

I spent day and night searching online.

No luck.

So then I went to GNC, Whole Foods, The Vitamin Shoppe and three independent health food stores.

After all that searching…

I had hit a dead end.

I was out of luck. I was at my wits' end.

But then one morning in the shower, I got the idea out of nowhere to call my old buddy, Dave, who lived in the Brazilian rainforest and who had originally told me about these herbs, to ask him if anyone or any company in Brazil sold them.

I knew it was a long shot, but I figured, why not ask since I had nothing to lose, right?

Well, Dave said that since I talked to him last, a tribe of villagers named the Mahokees had recently done just this…

They had put these “magical” local prostate herbs and leaves into one little supplement pill that men could take every day.

And thousands of men lined up and stood in super long lines just to buy this herbal pill.

I couldn't believe it.

Anyway, long story short, I finally got hold of these pills and started taking them.

I expected the pills would work right away, but I was disappointed.

For the first two weeks, nothing changed with my peeing urgency, nighttime goings, fatigue or love-making.

I was disappointed, but I knew that sometimes natural herbs take a little time to build up in your bloodstream and start working.

Then, all of a sudden,

the herbs started working for me.

I started to notice I was getting up fewer times a night to pee and that I had more energy during the day.

My wife said I was in a better mood. I felt happier… and my good ol' stiff erections came back again.

And my prostate symptoms continued to improve with each month that I kept taking this supplement.

I guess my improvement was noticeable because my fellow firefighters would make comments about me not needing to pee all the time anymore, being in a better mood and having more energy. They asked me what I was doing differently, and I told them about the herbal supplement I was taking.

Well, all the guys over 50 said they wanted to take it too.

I gave them the phone number. They called and ordered.

My firefighter buddies got great results too, like Ron, who said…

“It is hard to be a great firefighter when you constantly have to pee and when your mind is not on the job but instead constantly on the lookout for the closest bathroom.
But thank goodness for Bruce's prostate fix because now that I am taking it, my peeing frequency has gone from about once every hour to once every three hours during the day and hardly ever when I am asleep at night.

The name of this herbal breakthrough is:


It includes all of the herbs I described to you
a few minutes ago in one tiny, little capsule.

So here's what this means for you… You will get rid of your life-ruining prostate problems sooner than you'd think… For just pennies a day…

And keep them from ever coming back again ― and this is guaranteed to you, or else it is yours absolutely free.

  • No more sudden urges to pee that drive you crazy…
  • ​​
  • No more burning, pain, waiting or incomplete emptying…
  • ​​
  • No more urgent driving stops just to use the restroom…
  • ​​
  • No more inconveniences and irritations…
  • ​​
  • No more feeling tired and run down during the day…
  • ​​
  • No more embarrassment or feeling ashamed or guilty because other people see you rushing to the bathroom like a needy, old man before your time.

I hear comments like this all the time from men who had tried so many different prostate remedies before that sounded good but didn't work, that had all but given up hope, until they tried PROSTATE 911.

By now, you are probably wondering, “How do I use PROSTATE 911?”

That's easy. You just take two of the small, easy-to-swallow capsules a day whenever it is most convenient for you, and that's it.

Nothing could be faster or easier.

And you will be very happy with how fast it works…

PROSTATE 911 is made in a GMP-certified facility…

And each batch is tested by an independent third-party laboratory… To guarantee you that what's seen on the bottle is what's found on the inside.

PROSTATE 911 also contains NO GMOs, gluten, sugar, starch, salt, wheat, corn, yeast, soy derivatives, lactose, colors or dyes.

Now here's why it's important to take PROSTATE 911

for at least 30 days or more…

The high-powered ingredients in PROSTATE 911 start to work immediately to rid the toxins that are causing your problems…

The benefits begin to work on your insides from day one… And you'll start to notice its effects in just a few weeks, or for some men, even sooner…

But there is also likely a large toxic buildup inside your body…

It's been attacking your organs, your blood vessels and your vital organs for a long time… And you want to make sure you've removed every single trace of these harmful and poisonous toxins.

Remember, your prostate problems…

Are all just late-stage symptoms of a much bigger problem.

So even after PROSTATE 911 has given you back interruption-free sleep… You'll want to continue rooting out toxins from every corner of your body where they're hiding.

That's why most experts recommend that you choose at least 2 bottles of PROSTATE 911…

And 4 bottles if you want to be safe… Because you also want to be sure you KEEP your prostate problems from coming back again.

Let me give you an example…

Once my own prostate problems were completely gone…

I knew I should keep taking the supplement every day just like I take my multivitamin, so my prostate and body would stay toxin-free.

But for whatever reason, a few months later, I forgot and stopped taking this supplement for a couple of weeks…

And guess what happened?

Yep, my prostate symptoms came roaring back, and I had to get up at night many times to pee again, making me dog-tired during the day.

When I realized what was happening… I immediately started taking my supplement again every day, and soon, my prostate problems went away again.

I had learned my lesson the hard way.

From that day onward, I have taken PROSTATE 911 every single day just like I do my multivitamin, and of course, I have not had any more problems with my prostate… and my health has been better than ever!

So remember, the longer you take PROSTATE 911, the more the nutrients build up in your body and protect you from having prostate problems again.

This is why I strongly recommend choosing at least 2 bottles of PROSTATE 911 (that's a 2-month supply)… or 4 bottles (that's a 4-month supply) for even bigger savings and so you don't run out… or risk the company being sold out and you can't get any.

Now, remember, PROSTATE 911 is NOT available on any other website.

It is available ONLY on this website.

Normally, PROSTATE 911 retails for $120 a bottle.

But right now and through this website only… As a new customer, you can get PROSTATE 911 TODAY AT A HUGE DISCOUNT

I want to help as many people as possible… Which is why when you click and order right now…

You will get your very own supply of PROSTATE 911 for a one-time investment of just $69.95 for a 1-month supply… Which is a savings of $50 a month for you off the regular $120 price…

That's just the price of a decent cup of coffee a day to end your prostate problems for good.

And consider how affordable this price is compared to the $5,000 to $10,000 you would have to spend on a risky surgical procedure that has no guarantee and may not even work.

And that's just the beginning…

I realize that most people will want to keep taking PROSTATE 911 every day to keep their prostate problems from coming back again…

And the fact that there really are limited supplies available…

I can understand why they'd want to stock up on 2 or 4 bottles of PROSTATE 911 today.

It's for this reason that my team has created a substantially discounted multi-bottle plan…

Where folks can stock up and save big on 4 bottles of PROSTATE 911…

For just $49.95 per bottle…

That is just over $1 a day!

You're getting a huge savings when you order right now.

But this special discount is only being guaranteed today and only through this website… And as part of PROSTATE 911's Introductory Publicity Campaign.

And today only, we are also going to give you FREE U.S. shipping and handling on the 1-month, 2-month and 4-month supplies… Which is a $7.95 value.

But both the discount and the free shipping are for today only… And only while supplies last.


By Securing My Supply of Prostate 911 Right Now…



Special Offer: $49.95/bottle

Regular Price: $279.80

Your Total: $199.80


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Special Offer: $59.95/bottle

Regular Price: $139.90

Your Total: $119.90


Free Shipping in the USA





Free Shipping in the USA

We can't make this deal much better than that,
don't you agree?

We want you to experience the effects of our proprietary “prostate shrinking” formula for yourself and wake up to a body and mind that feels at peace, confident, healthy, full of youth and vigor, energized and ready to take on the world because you'll no longer be living in fear of your frequent urges to pee - whether it's day or night!

And if you don't?   We'll just simply give you your money back…

Plus, we'll do something absolutely crazy…

Not only will you get all your money back, but we'll also give you an additional $100 just for giving it an honest try! (No joke.) I know it sounds like we've lost our minds, but we're not kidding around.

If you're not happy with it for any reason at all…. we'll give you every single penny back… PLUS another $100… even if you use the entire bottle.

That's how confident we are that our solution works.

PhytAge Labs is trusted by over 800,000 customers around the globe…

And we have a reputation for being obsessive
when it comes to quality control and testing

Each of our products is made in a Good Manufacturing Practices facility, has been certified by GMP for quality and sanitation and is regularly tested for potency by the FDA.

We make sure that every ingredient we source is tested thoroughly before use. This way, we ensure that every part of Prostate 911 is of absolute quality so that you never have to wonder.

We believe that it's extremely important to make sure that… Each bottle of Prostate 911 has exactly what it says on the label. No more. No less.

It's pretty standard for us to dip into our own profits to ensure the quality of every bottle.
Sure, we may not make as much money as we could… but we know that you'll be a customer for life.

Now, after choosing a package…

You will be redirected to a 100% Secure and Encrypted Checkout Page… Where there's a simple order form to fill out…

This order page uses the same highest level of security that Amazon and the biggest banks use, so you don't have to worry about security or using your credit card.

And after that… Your order of Prostate 911 will be shipped to you… And will arrive within 5 business days from now.

This is a one-time only payment.

There are no hidden charges or fees, no automatic rebilling later and no subscription fees.

So looking at the facts…

This is one of the smallest, yet smartest investments you willl ever make for your health…

Something that will not only give you the peace of mind and the confidence that you can once again pee “like a normal person” and get the support that can help produce the stiff erections you want sooner than you thought possible without crazy sacrifice…

It will finally help you get a good night's sleep and wake up chock-full of energy to start your day - like it already has for thousands of people just like you…

So that you can start living
your best life again…

The life that you were MEANT to be living.

A single bottle of Prostate 911 puts you on the path to the life you want…

Two bottles guarantee you can keep taking it daily without interruption…

And with 4 bottles

You will be taking the best step to set yourself up to enjoy your ultimate life for many years to come.

So go ahead and choose a package right now
while there are still supplies in stock…




Special Offer: $49.95/bottle

Regular Price: $279.80

Your Total: $199.80


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Special Offer: $59.95/bottle

Regular Price: $139.90

Your Total: $119.90


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Regardless of your selection, your entire purchase is protected by our EXCLUSIVE MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE + $100… Created ONLY for those who take advantage of my special offer!

If this isn't a WIN/WIN,
I don't know what is…

If you're not waking up every morning overwhelmed with a sense of relief and enthusiasm from the powerful results of Prostate 911 and don't feel a difference throughout your days and nights…

Send us an email, and I'll refund you every penny immediately…

PLUS $100. No questions asked.

This Is The Ultimate Life-Hack and
Money-Saver for Smart Men

who want to improve their lives and their health with
ingredients derived from nature.

That's right, you don't risk a dime.

  • ​You won't have to wake up three, four, even five times a night just to pee…
  • ​​
  • ​You won't waste your time on weird diets that are supposed to help with your prostate worries, or have or take prescription drugs that have side effects!
  • ​​
  • ​And now you won't have to be embarrassed… sick and tired of the urge to pee, fatigued, unfocused at work, or humiliated at the loss of being able to sustain an erection…

You will bust through all these insecurities because you will be fixing the root cause of your swollen prostate issues: Toxic Prostate Syndrome.

Are you hesitant or skeptical?

You don't have to be because…

Here's how it works…

Right now, just place your order…

And when you do, you are just saying “maybe” to Prostate 911.

Then once you get your order in a few short days from now…

Start taking it…

  • ​And then watch with shock and sheer delight as you soon begin sleeping through the night…
  • ​​
  • Having days that are full of newfound energy… And have a youthful prostate that won't stop you from turning into a ravenous lion in the bedroom again.
  • ​​
  • You'll wake up ready to take on the world… And be productive and clear thinking with your work.

All because your life's energy is no longer drained away by always feeling like you need find a bathroom to pee.

And if you're like other loyal customers…

You will fall in love with what Prostate 911 does for your body every day!

And there is ZERO risk to you

because of our guarantee…

That's right, you don't risk a dime in ordering today.

If, for some reason, Prostate 911 isn't working great for you…

Simply contact our world-class customer support team at PhytAge Labs, and they will promptly issue you a refund…

They are available 24/7… And they'll immediately send you a full refund.

Plus another $100 back to you just for giving it an honest try.

You won't be out a single dime.

No questions. No hassles.

Plus, there's no need to even return the bottles to receive your refund.

Keep them as a special “thanks” for trying out Prostate 911.

Could anything be fairer?

This means there's no downside at all to you…

It's a 100% risk-free investment that comes with lots of guaranteed benefits for you…

So go ahead, click and try this nature-based product risk-free now…

And choose from one of the package options below…


And Secure My Supply of Prostate 911 Now!



Special Offer: $49.95/bottle

Regular Price: $279.80

Your Total: $199.80


Free Shipping in the USA



Special Offer: $59.95/bottle

Regular Price: $139.90

Your Total: $119.90


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Now, can I get personal with you for a moment?

Let's look at what your choices are to regain control over your prostate now.

You could just give up on ever getting good sleep ever again.

You could accept that you'll likely never have a normal sex life again.

You could keep being a victim of the traditional prescription drug industry.

You could start a “prostate-friendly diet” that no human being could ever stick to in the long term.

Or, you could click the button and try out Prostate 911 on the 90-day money-back guarantee where the only thing you have to lose… is your constant urge to pee.

This will help return to you the energy levels you want and deserve…

And this will help give you the health you want to make your dreams come true…

So break free of the frustration…


Where you no longer “hate” your prostate but actually love your newfound freedom from the constant urge to pee…

And feel more confident whenever you are out and about with friends or family.

Your toxic and swollen prostate could lead to terrible things if you don't fix it now…

Like impotence where you can't get an erection at all under any circumstances…

Or even the need for high-risk surgery and removal of your prostate…

So click to order now and enjoy…

  • No more feeling worn out from broken up sleep every night…
  • ​​
  • No more living with constant anxiety and worry that you will have the urgent need to pee at the wrong time, in the wrong situation, in front of the wrong people… with no bathroom around.

I've shown you overwhelming proof from leading
research scientists and medical journals…

You will soon overcome your “Toxic Prostate Syndrome” which is causing you to attract and retain toxins in your prostate gland. And this is causing your prostate problems.

And indeed, because all the other remedies and products you've tried in the past did NOT address this root cause, this is why they did not work for you, but why PROSTATE 911 is so different from all other solutions and will work for you.

Now It's Time
To Make A Decision…

Please don't ignore everything I've said…

Please don't ignore the solid evidence I've shown you…

And continue to be a victim of the traditional medical establishment…

If you put this off, nothing will get better…

And it's obvious that something must change for you right now…

Because no man should have to check where the bathroom is everywhere he goes… or feel embarrassed and like less of a man.

That's not the life you want.

Especially now that I've shared my story with you and told you how Prostate 911 will give you the relief you want, sooner than you think.

So go ahead and claim your order of Prostate 911 by choosing from one of the packages below.

It's a very smart decision because your investment is protected by a 3-Month Money-Back Guarantee PLUS an extra $100.00 cash, which means there's absolutely no risk.

By the way, you can take PROSTATE 911 by itself or along with your current prostate medication after consulting with your healthcare professional.

From the bottom of my heart, I want you to get the same healing and relief that I have gotten.

So please keep in mind that when supplies of PROSTATE 911 run out soon, it can be three months or longer before more product comes in.

And when this Prostate 911 special program ends… The price goes back up to $120 for each bottle…

Which means you really should act now.

It's your decision…

But this is your last chance.

Thank you for spending this time with me and allowing me to share my prostate relief secrets with you, and your loved ones.


And Secure My Supply of Prostate 911 Now!



Special Offer: $49.95/bottle

Regular Price: $279.80

Your Total: $199.80


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Special Offer: $59.95/bottle

Regular Price: $139.90

Your Total: $119.90


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Still Here?  Great!

That means you probably have a question I can answer.

So here are a few of the most common questions I get and my answers to them.

Who is PROSTATE 911 for?

That is a great question.

It is for any man of any age, on any medication or none at all, who wants to get rid of their prostate problems… and keep them from coming back again.

What makes PROSTATE 911 different from other products I've tried?

PROSTATE 911 is the only product in the world with its unique formulation designed to end your “Toxic Prostate Syndrome”… and until you get rid of this… nothing else you do will have much effect in getting rid of your prostate problems.

You see, this dirty secret is being kept silent and hidden from men our age by Big Pharma.

That's because it is the key to ending your prostate problems like needing to get up three, four or five times during the night to pee, daytime fatigue and any erection problems.

New research just published in 2021 in the scientific journal Environment International shows a common class of bug-killing pesticides used in tens of millions of homes, buildings, and on lawns is responsible for giving men like you the newly discovered “Toxic Prostate Syndrome.”¹

In the study, subjects exposed to this common pesticide for only 12 months had their prostate glands nearly DOUBLE in weight…

And you know what a doubling in the weight of your prostate gland would do to your peeing and erection problems…

This study on 1,305 men concluded that pyrethroids cause increased PSA levels or alterations in the PSA ratio… both of which are things that no man wants.

Yes, this new study shows that prostate problems have been treated ALL WRONG up until now, and if you treat your prostate problem the way every doctor and supplement does now, which is as a prostate enlargement issue caused by the aging process… you are NOT going to be fixing the real root cause of your prostate problem and getting the results you want.

This is the simple solution…

  • It's completely natural…
  • ​You can do it at home…
  • ​It takes under a minute a day…
  • ​You have not tried it before…

And, just like thousands of other men like you have found…

When you do this simple fix…

You go from needing to wake up at night three, four or five times to pee, feeling tired during the day and having erection issues…

  • To sleeping soundly through the night…
  • Having much more energy and fun each day…
  • Being more productive at work…
  • Having much better quality time with your family and friends and hobbies, and…
  • Gaining back those fantastic erections you had when you were younger.

This prostate fix works for men of all ages, no matter how severe their problems are, no matter what they've tried before that didn't work, and no matter how skeptical they are now.

Is it safe to take if I am taking prescription medications or if I have another health problem?

Yes, it is. You can take PROSTATE 911 by itself or along with other medication after consulting with your healthcare professional.

Do I risk anything in trying PROSTATE 911?

No. You do NOT risk any money at all.

You will receive a 100% full and immediate refund of every dime you paid if you are not thrilled with the benefits you get from PROSTATE 911.

You have a full 3-month money-back guarantee with no restrictions or fine print.

You don't even have to return the bottles.

And you will also receive an extra $100.00 cash back just for trying it out.

So don't wait and lose out.

You must choose your package and click now because these special lowest-ever prices plus free shipping are guaranteed TODAY ONLY… and may be gone 10 minutes from now because it is only while supplies last!

PROSTATE 911 is NOT sold on any other website. And it is NOT sold in any store.

It is sold ONLY here on this website.

So go ahead and do the smart thing and place your risk-free rush order right now.

You will be very glad you did.

Thank you for your time today and for allowing me to share with you this important, life-altering information.


By Securing My Supply of Prostate 911 Right Now…



Special Offer: $49.95/bottle

Regular Price: $279.80

Your Total: $199.80


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Special Offer: $59.95/bottle

Regular Price: $139.90

Your Total: $119.90


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